Monday, November 21, 2011

St. Jude Pancake Breakfast

Check out the photos from this years pancake breakfast!! 

We were able to raise over 4,200 dollars for St. Jude!!!

A big thank you to Kristin O'Leary for working so hard to make this event happen!! You rocked it sis!

Delta Love 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Delta's in the Barometer

It has been an eventful week at the Tri Delta house. With initiation, Dad's weekend approaching and preparing for our annual Pancake Breakfast, we have been a busy chapter! 

We are so proud to see Kristin O'Leary, our Delta Philanthropy Chair, in todays Barometer! 

She has done an amazing job planning this years Pancake Breakfast! The girls are all looking forward to this Sunday when we can share our love of St. Jude Children's Research Hospital and spend time with our dads!! 

Pick up todays Barometer or click on the link below to read more on the event!!

A shout out to the Delta Phi Omega house and their upcoming philanthropy in February, which will be raising funds for CARE. CARE is a organization supporting low-income women in rule areas. 

Delta Love

Monday, October 17, 2011

"Inspiring Integrity"

Last night the Greek community attended this years matriculation to listen to Corey Ciocchetti's speech, "Inspiring Integrity". Ciocchetti moved the crowd with his views on living a life full of character and integrity. 

He encouraged us all to live each day with hustle, fight and laughter. 
Hustle to get things done, fight to have passion, and laughter for happiness. 

He also shared this video on the lost generation! 

What do you think? 

Inspiring, right?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Bid Day!!!


It's the end of another recruitment week and we couldn't be more excited for our new Pearls!! 

Theta Mu is so happy to welcome a legit new class of Deltas to Greek Life!!

 Check out the photos from our week and the fresh new faces of PC 2011!!

What lovely Deltas!!

On our walk to the MU to get all our new Pearls! 

"Who's that walking down the street,
Dressed so fine and looks so neat!
Tri Delta girls are out today!
La de da go Delta, go Tri Delt"

What a great week it was! All of our Deltas were amazing, putting in so much work for recruitment! 

We are so proud to have our new Pearls!!

Delta Love

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senior Week

Here are more of our senior Delta's and their stories! 


"Tri Delta was everything I ever thought it would be. It gave me the opportunity to gain leadership experience and learn valuable lessons about about myself and others. I have met some of the best friends who I now call sisters. I will love them for the rest of my life. 

My post grad plans are... Im not graduating!! haha. I am taking an extra year to finish school. I am studying abroad starting in August. I will be living in Thailand for 5 months studying international business. After that I will be coming back to Corvallis, finishing up my school and trying to find a job!"


"My Tri Delta experience will be one that I will never forget. Being from out-of-state the sisterhood allowed me to a meet a lot of different people that I normally would not have had the chance to meet. Tri Delta has allowed me to grow as an individual in incomprehensible ways. I truly believe I have learned a lot about myself, especially living with so many girls. I look forward to meeting other Tri-Delta members throughout my life and I plan on being involved with Tri-Delta in some way for the rest of my life.

As for my future, it is a little hazy right now but I have many options. The current plan is to move home for the summer and continue my job search in the Denver, CO area. If I am unable to find something in the Mile-High state then I will return to Corvallis to work for the University as a Recruiter for the Office of Admissions!"


"Tri Delta really helped me transition between small town life and living in what I consider to be a big city by giving me a family and a home away from home. My big really helped me out freshman year when I didn't know anything about college and I've had a lot of really fun experiences I wouldn't have otherwise had as well as a chance to do a little networking! 

As for after graduation...I'm taking a fifth year so I'll be around next year but after that I will hopefully be doing a dietetic internship possibly combined with a masters program and then working as a dietitian, hopefully with pregnant women!" 


"Throughout my time as a collegiate member of Delta Delta Delta, I have been given many amazing opportunities that have helped me learn and grow as a person. Through my obtained leadership positions and lifelong friendships, I can say without a doubt that being a member of Tri-Delta has been the best experience of my life.

I will be graduating this spring with my bachelors of science in Marketing. After graduation I have a marketing internship at Daimler in Portland, OR. This internship will give me the opportunity to get hands on experience in the business industry. I look forward to my future and staying involved in Tri Delta."

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senior Week

Graduation is quickly approaching and our senior Deltas are getting ready to rock the next phase of their lives! 

It is Senior Week at the chapter house, so we're taking the time to show our appreciate for all that the girls have done for us in their four years here and celebrate their graduation from OSU as well as Tri Delta. 

Good Luck to all our seniors. We love you and will miss you all! 

Here's what the girls have said about their years at Tri Delta and what they plan to do after graduation:


"My Tri Delta Experience was everything I could have asked for and more. I came into college knowing only a handful of people and I am now leaving college with so many amazing friends, thanks to Tri Delta. Everything I have learned will stay with me forever. I found my best friends here and I couldn’t be more grateful.

My post graduation plans include getting my CPA license and working in an accounting firm in Portland somewhere. My ultimate dream job would be to work for Del Mar Horse Racing Track in sunny San Diego as an Accountant…. We can dream right?"


"My experience at Tri Delta has been better than anything I could ever ask for. I came in as a timid, shy freshman and am now leaving as a confident and well rounded young woman. I have made so many wonderful friendships that I know will last throughout my life.
After graduation I am planning to attend Pacific University to obtain a Psy D. (doctorate of psychology) in clinical psychology. I hope to work with young children in a clinical setting."  

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Best Big Award

Today was the first of our Big Sister appreciation week! Littles show your Bigs just how important they are to you with a sweet note or cute surprise!

"Friends by heart & sisters by soul"

To kick of the week we voted for our best Big Sis. Here is a pic of our "Best Big" and her littles. Thanks for being such a great sister Kendall!

Kendall with her littles, Courtney Lilley and Katherine Younger.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meet Our Greek Philanthropy Chairs!!

Christy Wright and Aimee Corliss are currently serving as our Greek Philanthropy Chairs. They have done a great job of encouraging our members and organizing chapter involvement in the several Greek Philanthropy events occurring on campus. Just this last week we participated in Kappa Delta's Mock Rock. The girls worked for weeks organizing a dance performance and they ROCKED IT! 
(Look for a video of the performance to be posted soon)

Christy, originally from Canby, Oregon, is a sophomore at Oregon State University and is pursuing a degree in Business. She pledged Tri Delta in the spring of 2010 and has been an awesome member since day one.  Some of her favorite things are laughing, watching movies and dancing. She says one of her best experiences in Tri Delta has been being able to live in the chapter house. 

Christy's sisters love her energetic attitude and appreciate all her involvement with the house. She has amazing Delta Sparkle! 

Our Delta sister Aimee is a freshman here at Oregon State and she is double majoring in Interior Design and Merchandising Management.  Originally from Forest Grove, Oregon a few of her favorite things are all her animals, shopping and arts and crafts. Aimee always has a positive attitude and an adorable personality, making her a fabulous Delta! 

Aimee says that what she loves about Tri Delta is "how well we all work together when we are all so incredibly different, no matter what I know there is always going to be someone there for me, and that I am always there for them too. The perpetual bond of friendship is so true."

Delta Love

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Madame President

Meet Kendall, our wonderful Chapter President! Currently, she is a junior studying to obtain her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a focus in Management. She pledged Theta Mu chapter of Delta Delta Delta in 2008 as a Freshmen. Originally she is from Sammamish, Washington, where her two parents and younger brother live, along with her dog Ollie. She is the only member of her family to attend a school other than WSU and says she is very proud of this. (Go Beavs!)

Here is what Kendall says about her experience as a Delta...

"The most rewarding aspect about our sisterhood at Tri Delta is without a doubt the friendships I have made. Throughout my experience I have learned that the relationships you build go far beyond being a collegiate member. I hope to meet even more sisters and grow as a member far beyond my college years."

Kendall has been amazing in her role as president and the chapter is so thankful for all of her hard work and dedication to Tri Delta! 

Delta Love

Monday, February 28, 2011

Delta Dunk

This last weekend Tri Delta held our annual Delta Dunk in an effort to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Thanks to the amazing efforts of our girls and all the participation of the OSU campus we were able to raise well over 2,000.00 dollars. This will help in reaching Tri Delta's national goal of raising 15 million dollars in 5 years!

Delta Love