Sunday, March 6, 2011

Meet Our Greek Philanthropy Chairs!!

Christy Wright and Aimee Corliss are currently serving as our Greek Philanthropy Chairs. They have done a great job of encouraging our members and organizing chapter involvement in the several Greek Philanthropy events occurring on campus. Just this last week we participated in Kappa Delta's Mock Rock. The girls worked for weeks organizing a dance performance and they ROCKED IT! 
(Look for a video of the performance to be posted soon)

Christy, originally from Canby, Oregon, is a sophomore at Oregon State University and is pursuing a degree in Business. She pledged Tri Delta in the spring of 2010 and has been an awesome member since day one.  Some of her favorite things are laughing, watching movies and dancing. She says one of her best experiences in Tri Delta has been being able to live in the chapter house. 

Christy's sisters love her energetic attitude and appreciate all her involvement with the house. She has amazing Delta Sparkle! 

Our Delta sister Aimee is a freshman here at Oregon State and she is double majoring in Interior Design and Merchandising Management.  Originally from Forest Grove, Oregon a few of her favorite things are all her animals, shopping and arts and crafts. Aimee always has a positive attitude and an adorable personality, making her a fabulous Delta! 

Aimee says that what she loves about Tri Delta is "how well we all work together when we are all so incredibly different, no matter what I know there is always going to be someone there for me, and that I am always there for them too. The perpetual bond of friendship is so true."

Delta Love