Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senior Week

Graduation is quickly approaching and our senior Deltas are getting ready to rock the next phase of their lives! 

It is Senior Week at the chapter house, so we're taking the time to show our appreciate for all that the girls have done for us in their four years here and celebrate their graduation from OSU as well as Tri Delta. 

Good Luck to all our seniors. We love you and will miss you all! 

Here's what the girls have said about their years at Tri Delta and what they plan to do after graduation:


"My Tri Delta Experience was everything I could have asked for and more. I came into college knowing only a handful of people and I am now leaving college with so many amazing friends, thanks to Tri Delta. Everything I have learned will stay with me forever. I found my best friends here and I couldn’t be more grateful.

My post graduation plans include getting my CPA license and working in an accounting firm in Portland somewhere. My ultimate dream job would be to work for Del Mar Horse Racing Track in sunny San Diego as an Accountant…. We can dream right?"


"My experience at Tri Delta has been better than anything I could ever ask for. I came in as a timid, shy freshman and am now leaving as a confident and well rounded young woman. I have made so many wonderful friendships that I know will last throughout my life.
After graduation I am planning to attend Pacific University to obtain a Psy D. (doctorate of psychology) in clinical psychology. I hope to work with young children in a clinical setting."