Thursday, May 26, 2011

Senior Week

Here are more of our senior Delta's and their stories! 


"Tri Delta was everything I ever thought it would be. It gave me the opportunity to gain leadership experience and learn valuable lessons about about myself and others. I have met some of the best friends who I now call sisters. I will love them for the rest of my life. 

My post grad plans are... Im not graduating!! haha. I am taking an extra year to finish school. I am studying abroad starting in August. I will be living in Thailand for 5 months studying international business. After that I will be coming back to Corvallis, finishing up my school and trying to find a job!"


"My Tri Delta experience will be one that I will never forget. Being from out-of-state the sisterhood allowed me to a meet a lot of different people that I normally would not have had the chance to meet. Tri Delta has allowed me to grow as an individual in incomprehensible ways. I truly believe I have learned a lot about myself, especially living with so many girls. I look forward to meeting other Tri-Delta members throughout my life and I plan on being involved with Tri-Delta in some way for the rest of my life.

As for my future, it is a little hazy right now but I have many options. The current plan is to move home for the summer and continue my job search in the Denver, CO area. If I am unable to find something in the Mile-High state then I will return to Corvallis to work for the University as a Recruiter for the Office of Admissions!"


"Tri Delta really helped me transition between small town life and living in what I consider to be a big city by giving me a family and a home away from home. My big really helped me out freshman year when I didn't know anything about college and I've had a lot of really fun experiences I wouldn't have otherwise had as well as a chance to do a little networking! 

As for after graduation...I'm taking a fifth year so I'll be around next year but after that I will hopefully be doing a dietetic internship possibly combined with a masters program and then working as a dietitian, hopefully with pregnant women!" 


"Throughout my time as a collegiate member of Delta Delta Delta, I have been given many amazing opportunities that have helped me learn and grow as a person. Through my obtained leadership positions and lifelong friendships, I can say without a doubt that being a member of Tri-Delta has been the best experience of my life.

I will be graduating this spring with my bachelors of science in Marketing. After graduation I have a marketing internship at Daimler in Portland, OR. This internship will give me the opportunity to get hands on experience in the business industry. I look forward to my future and staying involved in Tri Delta."